Methodology and Supply Chains

The 1000kmPLUS project is organized in a matrix structure: Work Packages (WP) versus Supply Chains (SC) to ensure a smooth and continuous follow-up of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI: see Table 4), an on-time delivery and a high-quality outcome. The WP represent the development process in general and the SC represent the different systems and components developed in the project to achieve the 1000kmPLUS project objectives. Each major demonstrator developed in the project is covered by a SC. This structure facilitates a clear separation between the research and development work carried out in the WPs on one side, and the actual implementation, testing and benchmarking performed on the demonstrators on the other side. Each SC is led by a highly competent partner in the respective application domain to ensure a perfect outcome. To do so, the 1000kmPLUS project brings together following SCs:

- Supply Chain 1: Scalable and highly efficient powertrain technology platform: common inverter-motor making use of highly efficient SiC MOSFET power modules offering scalability in power (40-120 kW) and in voltage (400-800 V), thus enhancing the driving range.

- Supply Chain 2: Fast charging capable and weight optimized battery system: 800 V modular battery system with reduced mechanical structure weight, improved thermal management performance and using battery cells optimized for fast charging.

- Supply Chain 3: Vehicle integration and energy management, including a demonstration: integrated thermal management with advanced insulating materials and new road routing algorithms pairing the fast charging infrastructure with short charging times, thus lowering the overall travelling time. The demonstration challenges (1000 km, 2000 km, 4500 km) will also take place in this Supply Chain.